CEAL 2005 Executive Board Meeting I

Tuesday (March 29) 7:00 p.m. ¨C 9:00 p.m.

Soldier Field (Bronze Level/West Tower)

Hyatt Regency, Chicago


Present: Vickie Doll, Sharon Domier, Sarah Elman, Bob Felsing, Ellen Hammond, Wooseob Jeong, Joy Kim, Gail King, Sun-yoon Lee, Kuniko Yamada McVey, Philip Melzer, Hideyuki Morimoto, Kristina Troost, Amy Tsiang, Karen Wei, Hyokyoung Yi, Abraham Yu

Absent: Jim Cheng, Zhijia Shen




Abraham Yu, President, opened the meeting with a warm welcome.


1.      Election Results


Bob Felsing, Chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that 129 ballots were cast out of 178 distributed (a 72% return rate), and that the votes were painfully close. The winners are:

Committee on Chinese Materials: Zhijia Shen (University of Colorado)

Committee on Japanese Materials: Keiko Yokota Carter (University of Washington)

Committee on Korean Materials: Mikyung Kang (UCLA)

Committee on Library Technology: Xian Wu (Cornell University)

Committee on Public Services: David Hickey (University of Florida)

Committee on Technical Processing: Mary Lin (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Members at Large: Hideyuki Morimoto (Columbia University) and

                               Martin Heijdra (Princeton University)


Abraham thanked the Nominating Committee (Bob Felsing, Sharon Domier, Wooseob Jeong) for their hard work.  EB Members praised Wooseob Jeong¡¯s handy work of formulating the electronic ballot.  The EB members pointed out that candidates¡¯ pictures and statements were particularly helpful, and need to be archived. 


2.      Recognition of Out-going Members


Abraham recognized the following outgoing members and thanked them for their services:


Committee on Chinese Materials:  Karen Wei (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Committee on Japanese Materials: Kuniko Yamada McVey (Harvard Univ.)

Committee on Korean Materials:  Hyokyoung Yi (Univ. of Washington)

Committee on Library Technology: Wooseob Jeong (Univ. of Wisconsin¡ªMilwaukee)

Committee on Public Services: Sharon Domier (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Committee on Technical Processing: Hideyuki Morimoto (Columbia Univ.)

Members at Large: Amy Tsiang (UCLA), and Zhijia Shen (Univ. of Colorado)


3.      Treasurer¡¯s Report (Sarah Elman)


The beginning balance of the CEAL account was $13,498.11 on January 1, 2004. Between January 1, 2004 and February 25, 2005, CEAL received $13,780.00 in personal and institutional subscription payments, and an additional $687.83 in accrued interest, for a total of $14,467.83.  CEAL also received $4,205.00 in registration fees for the two 2005 pre-conference cataloging workshops sponsored by the Committee on Technical Processing. The registration fees are intended to cover travel expenses and honoraria for the instructors, as well as the purchasing and reproduction of instructional materials.


The total debit from January 1, 2004 to February 25, 2005 was $11,701.86. The largest item was $6,156.18 for printing of JEAL issues 131-134.  Please see the Financial Report 2005 Table for details of other expenditures.


The ending balance as of February 25, 2005 is $20,469.08. After subtracting the pre-conference workshop registration fees, there is a net increase of $2,748.40 over the previous year¡¯s final total. One of the major reasons for this large increase was many members took advantage of Sarah¡¯s offer for multi-year subscriptions.  Please see Financial Report 2005 for Sarah's full report.


4.      CEAL Fellowship Dinner for Invited Speakers


Karen Wei asked if CEAL should provide complimentary fellowship dinner to some international guests.  Since CEAL does not pay honorarium or travel expenses for speakers, some Committee Chairs feel bad and dig into their own pockets when they invite their international guests to fellowship dinner.  After a lengthy discussion, it was decided as follows:  Committee Chairs can submit a request, for the approval of the President, complimentary fellowship dinner for invited speakers (both international and domestic) who are not CEAL members.


5.      Reports from Special Committees


The goals of the committee were:  1. to conduct a pilot study of the headings (done), and 2. to survey CEAL members¡¯ opinions on the issue.  Hideyuki gave a brief summary report on the result of the pilot study as a preview of a fuller report to be given at the Plenary Session tomorrow.


The background and summary of email responses to the question regarding JEAL as a peer-reviewed journal had been posted to Eastlib.  Gail will make a brief presentation at the Plenary session, after which a vote will be taken. 



6.      Reports from Standing Committees


¡¤           Chinese Materials (Karen Wei)


The last year¡¯s unpleasant experience at the Chinese Materials Committee program resulted in something positive: the adoption of a policy about video recording and cell phone usage.       


¡¤           Japanese Materials (Kuniko McVey)


The CJM and NCC have maintained good cooperative relationship.  The CJM Web site has been kept up to date.  Kuniko gave a brief preview of the CJM program.


¡¤        Korean Materials (Hyokyoung Yi)


CKM has appointed two task forces which will collaborate with the LC:

1. Task Force on Korean Rare Materials Cataloging Guideline, with the following members:  Jaeyoung Chang (Chair), Sook Hee Kim Weidman (LC), Seung-hui Paek, Hee-sook Shin.

2. Task Force on Revision of the Korean Word Division Rules, with the following members: Young-Ki Lee (chair, LC), Mikyung Kang, Joy Kim, Sun-young Chang, Yunah Sung.


The AAS Roundtable on Korean Electronic Resources (Session 67) is scheduled for Friday.  CKM organized this program for Korean studies scholars and students as its target audience.  Two database vendors (Nurimedia and Koreanstudie Info Co.) donated $264 in total in support of equipment costs for the session. 


¡¤        Library Technology (Wooseob Jeong)


Web maintenance issues were discussed.  Dr. Jeong recommended that CEAL maintain a single domain name for all its sub pages.  The new Chair and past three Chairs of the committee will investigate the situation and make a recommendation.


¡¤        Public Services (Sharon Domier)


Sharon announced tomorrow¡¯s program. 


¡¤        Technical Processing  (Hideyuki Morimoto)


The two Cataloging Workshops (Integrating Resources and Web Pages) were held with 25 participants in each. The committee had to turn away many applicants due to lack of space.  The Committee collected reaction to PY guidelines developed by LC last year, and added literary author numbers in LC authority files. 


¡¤        Statistics (Vickie Doll)


The committee added new functionalities to the CEAL Statistics Database this year: graphs, print version, and ranking.  Vickie urged those who are newly assigned to reporting statistics to please study instruction carefully first.   

7.      Abraham thanked Dr. Jeong for providing printed programs for the second year in a row.


(Recorded and respectfully submitted by Joy Kim)