A dynamic organization devoted to library services for the East Asian studies communities in North America since 1958.


Electronic Resources Metadata Standards Best Practices (ERMB) is one of CEAL's standing committees. Its primary duties include:

  • Promote CEAL members’ collaboration and teamwork among collection development, public services, and technical services to ensure effective access and discovery of East Asian e-resources.
  • Advocate for and share best practices for e-resource content and metadata management throughout their life cycle, to promote seamless access and discovery of East Asian electronic resources
  • Promote compliance with international metadata standards and best practices among East Asian e-content providers.
  • Collaborate with national and international organizations on metadata standards and best practices to address issues in access and discovery of East Asian e-resources.
  • Coordinate CEAL members’ efforts in metadata creation and management for East Asian e-resources as well as digital humanities projects, open data and open scholarship across CJK areas.

Please go to the annual meeting page for committee programs at the CEAL annual meeting.