Member Spotlight

14 posts

The Member Spotlight section is a venue for CEAL members to share their stories and journeys in the field. All the content is provided voluntarily by individual members. We would like to invite all of our members—old and new—to fill out the CEAL Member Spotlight Entry Submission Form, which will help us prepare a customized questionnaire for you. If you have any questions, please contact Shuqi Ye (East Asian Studies Librarian, University of Minnesota) or Brian Cheung (Metadata Librarian, CDMS, Library of Congress).

Featured member: Ellie Kim

Ellie Kim (she/her) has been the Korean Studies Librarian at the University of Hawaii at Manoa Library since 2019. How did your journey in working with East Asian libraries and collections begin? Were there any opportunities that encouraged you to step into the East Asian Studies Librarianship? I got my […]

Featured member: Matthew Hayes

Dr. Matthew Hayes (he/him/his) is the Librarian for Japanese Studies and Asian American Studies at Duke University. He has been in this position for about one year. How did your journey in working with East Asian libraries and collections begin? Were there any opportunities that encouraged you to step into […]