A dynamic organization devoted to library services for the East Asian studies communities in North America since 1958.

JpnLibLiaisons Listserv


The purpose of the Japanese Librarians Liaisons (JpnLibLiaisons) Listserv is to provide a venue for information sharing and discussions on Japanese resources among Japanese information specialists worldwide. It is a tool to connect Japanese information specialists globally via the posting of their questions, announcements, findings and any Japanese studies relevant information.

Membership Qualification

  • Open to any CEAL members who are currently employed at libraries or other non-profit information organizations
  • Job responsibilities are pertinent to Japanese/East Asian Studies collections
  • Students of Library and Information Studies/Science welcome to join
  • To join, send a subscription request including the following to snoguchi@princeton.edu
    • Full Name
    • Job Title
    • Affiliation

Terms of Use

  • The primary language of the list is English.
  • All messages posted to the JpnLibLiaisons will be made available in its subscriber only archive.

Accessing the Archive (Listserv Members Only)

Continue to the Princeton listserv sign-up page and follow these instructions to register and search the archive.