A dynamic organization devoted to library services for the East Asian studies communities in North America since 1958.

2020 CEAL Leadership Institute & Survey

Dear Colleagues,

I’d like to invite you to participate in a survey prepared by CEAL Task Force on the 2020 CEAL Leadership Institute.  This anonymous survey is to assess the leadership training needs and interests in order to develop a practical and effective training program. We’d like to learn about your needs and interests on the topics to be included in the curriculum of the Leadership Institute. Please take a few minutes to fill out the short survey http://bit.ly/2lWLKwK by the end of September.

The CEAL Leadership Institute will include a one-day preconference of 2020 CEAL annual meeting and 3-4 webinars before and after the preconference.  The preconference will be held at Harvard-Yenching Library on March 17th, 2020, 9:00-4:00. The goal of the institute is to educate a new generation of leaders to meet the challenges and opportunities in the digital age.  Maureen Sullivan, a past president of ALA and a well-recognized leader and educator in the library profession, has agreed to be our lead instructor to design and facilitate the one-day leadership training program, which will include an interactive lecture by Maureen, a panel discussion with active leaders from East Asian collections and academic libraries in North America, and much interactive group work throughout the program. Before and after the preconference, 3-4 webinars will also be offered to address challenges and issues of leadership in the East Asian librarianship.

I take this opportunity to thank the excellent work of the Taskforce on CEAL Leadership Institute 2020 consisting of Xiang Li, Colorado Boulder (Chair); Hye-jin Juhn, Notre Dame; Tang Li, USC; Sharon Domier, UMass Amherst; Kristina Troost, Duke (Advisor) for putting together the survey and making great progress in planning for the leadership institute.  We look forward to your feedback and participation!


President, Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL)