Committee Projects for 2017-2020
Linked Data & BIBFRAME
Documents to review and/or comment
a. Removing ISBD Punctuation from MARC Records
- PCC ISBD and MARC Task Group Revised Final Report (2016)
- Record sets for testing limited punctuation (2/6/2018)
- CEAL Comments on Record Sets for Testing Limited ISBD Punctuation
b. IFLA FRBR-Library Reference Model (LRM), draft for world-wide review (2016-02-21)
c. RDA Toolkit 3R Project: CC:DA seeking comments for special formats and materials: elements added to the Toolkit
e. MARC Discussion Paper No. 2018-DP04: Multiscript Records Using Codes from ISO 15924 (01/17/2018)
f. ISSN Manual (to come)
g. CEAL Responses to Field 260 in BIBCO & CONSER RDA Records, September 2017
CJK cataloging best practices: proposals for discussion
a. CJK numerals
b. CJK relationship designators
CTP-related training programs
CTP proposals for rule revision
Digital scholarship resources for East Asian studies and beyond