45 posts

Latest updates for East Asian Librarians from the CEAL President and Executive Board members.

CEAL 2022 Annual Meeting Announcement

Dear CEAL colleagues: Happy Autumn!  I hope that you are having a safe and productive fall. Today, I would like to share updates on the CEAL 2022 Annual Meeting program. Annual Meeting Format On behalf of the CEAL Executive Board (EB), I am announcing that our CEAL 2022 Annual Meeting […]

2021 CEAL Annual Meeting Registration (with instruction)

Dear CEAL colleagues: Please register NOW for the Virtual 2021 CEAL Annual Meeting from March 16-19, 2021 (Pre-Conference Programs from March 16-17 and Annual Meeting Programs from March 18-19). The 2021 CEAL Annual Meeting is free and open to all. Please complete the Annual Meeting Registration Form (or click https://forms.gle/2beWMK9if2eJgEZN6) to get the link to the updated 2021 CEAL Annual Meeting agenda […]

Virtual 2021 CEAL Annual Meeting Program

Dear CEAL Colleagues, Happy Lunar New Year of the Ox! Thanks to the hard work of CEAL Executive Board members, committees, task forces, and program organizers, I am very proud to present you with the rich program of the Virtual 2021 CEAL Annual Meeting.  Please find the detailed program for […]

CEAL Updates

Dear CEAL colleagues: What an eventful year this has been! I hope that you are staying well as we begin the fall semester in a most unusual year. Immediately after the 2020 CEAL Annual Conference in March, the CEAL Executive Board has been busy handling a number of business items […]


AAS endorsement: CEAL Statement on Collection Development and Acquisition Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic (in collaboration with the NCC and the SCSL)

Dear CEAL colleagues: I would like to inform you that the AAS Board has officially endorsed the Council on East Asian Libraries’ (CEAL) Statement on Collection Development and Acquisition Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: In Collaboration with the North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources (NCC) and the Society of Chinese Studies Librarians (SCSL). Once again, […]