Dear CEAL colleagues:
Last week some of CEAL colleagues informed me that they did not receive my postings sent to EASTLIB, the CEAL listserv. In this email, I have compiled a few ways to troubleshoot if you are experiencing similar problems.
- Check your junk folder. If the email is there, go to Settings —> Mail —> Junk Mail —> Safer Senders and Domains —> “Add” This will prevent future emails from going to the Junk pile. [This suggestion was offered by one of the CEAL Executive Board members, Vickie Doll.]
- Your messages may have been put on “hold” which happens after 5 emails are bounced back by your filters. Your membership can be restored by emailing “unhold” to [This support was kindly offered by our colleagues, Hsi-chu Bolick and Lily Kirkhoff at the UNC, Chapel Hill Libraries.]
- Email Lily Kirkhoff at the University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill Libraries at to ensure that you are indeed subscribed to the list. If not, Lily Kirkhoff can assist in subscribing you. [This support was kindly offered by our colleagues, Hsi-chu Bolick and Lily Kirkhoff at the UNC, Chapel Hill Libraries.]
- Some institutions’ IT filters may have caused the issue. If you have exhausted your own email capabilities, report the problem to IT as there may be a glitch that is affecting you and others.
Additionally, if you are aware of a colleague at your own institution who subscribes to EASTLIB, please reach out to them and ensure they are also receiving the postings. If not, please feel free to pass along this information.
Thank you,
Hana Kim
President, CEAL