2019 | Denver, Colorado
CEAL Plenary: Strengthening the Organization and Empowering CEAL Members to Meet the Challenges of the Digital Age
Presidential Panel: Roles of East Asian Libraries and Librarians in Digital Scholarship
Keynotes (Bios and Abstracts)
- Developing a Text Analysis Infrastructure for East Asian Languages: MARKUS, VISUS, and COMPARATIVUS
Hilde De Weerdt (Professor of Chinese History, Leiden University; Head, Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities) - The Shifting Roles of Academic Libraries in Supporting Digital Scholarship: Implications for East Asian Collections
Peter Zhou (Assistant University Librarian; Director of C.V. Starr East Asian Library, University of California, Berkeley) - Imagine, Align, and Prosper: Roles of East Asia Libraries and Librarians in Digital Scholarship
Betsy Wilson (Vice Provost for Digital Initiative & Dean of University Libraries, University of Washington)
Panel Discussion with the CEAL President
Librarians Panel : Challenges and Opportunities of East Asian Libraries and Librarians in Digital Scholarship
In response to the Presidential Panel, the Librarians Panel focuses on the lessons learned from a selection of DS projects by CJK, Technical Services, and DS Librarians. As the practitioners in EA librarianship, they present challenges and opportunities experienced and identified in performing DS services based on their individual cases. A Q&A session will follow the panel discussion. Audiences are invited to respond with questions and comments to the panelists and to share their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities of EA Libraries/Librarians in DS.
Tomoko Bialock (Japanese Studies Librarian, UCLA), Introduction
- Library’s Role in the Age of Digital Scholarship: A Selector’s Perspective
Azusa Tanaka (Japanese Studies Librarian, Univ. of Washington) - Data Organization and Digital Humanities: A Technical Services Perspective
Haiqing Lin (Head of Technical Services, UC Berkeley) - Data Visualization Using Cataloging Metadata
Hyokyoung Yi (Head of Public Services and Korean Studies Librarian, Univ. of Washington) - Where Do Boundaries Begin and End for a Digital Library/Librarian?
Kathi Matsuura (Japanese Digital Scholarship Librarian, Harvard University) - Librarians’ New Roles in Digital Scholarship: Cases and Concepts
Ying Zhang (Research Librarian for Asian Studies, UC Irvine)
Kiyonori Nagasaki (Senior Fellow, International Institute for Digital Humanities; Lecturer, Univ. of Tokyo; Visiting Associate Professor, International Research Institute for Japanese Studies), Comments
Hyoungbae Lee (Korean Studies Librarian, Princeton University)
CEAL 2019 Poster Sessions Wednesday, March 20, 2019
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Grand Ballroom 1
Cloud-based Material Selection – Streamlining Researchers' Input on Bibliographic Acquisitions
Adam H. Lisbon, University of Colorado Boulder
Streamlining the selection process based on what patrons want can be a helpful way to do the most with a collections budget. Patron driven acquisitions are more prevalent but not readily available in the North American CJK Library context. One way to make selections more connected to researchers needs is to help them participate more directly in selections in a way that makes managing a limited budget easier for the selector, and helps save some time in the process. This poster shows how to use cloud-based productivity suites like Google’s G Suite or Microsoft’s Office 365 in a way that enables the researchers to participate in the selection process. By moving selection lists into online spreadsheets viewable by your patrons that control how they can interact with the list of materials. The basic premise is to have a spreadsheet of relevant materials, often provided by book vendors, available to patrons for browsing. By giving each patron a central spreadsheet to view, they can indicate how important an item is to them. Patrons can indicate through a 1-4 scale how much they want an item, where 1 = “I’m doing research on this now, I could really use this.” to 4 = “This is an interesting book. It would be nice to have.” Additionally, an online form allows any researcher to request material and incorporates the same prioritization system. These multiple avenues let researchers ask for materials in the way that works best from the. The poster will discuss show the technical aspects of setting up such a system and what the outcome has been so far at the University of Colorado Boulder with the Japanese Studies Faculty.
The combination of the traditional/digitalized and technical/public service in a small collection
Anlin Yang, University of Iowa
The poster supposes to display some digitalized jobs related to public service and part of technical service in our small Chinese collection of the University of Iowa Libraries.
I have realized the difficulty to convert between Pinyin and Wade-Giles Romanization when I work on Chinese name authority records. Meanwhile, I heard about many patrons in our library met with the same issue on their research. It inspired me to corporate with our library IT group to create a new conversation tool between Pinyin and Wade-Giles via JavaScript. The tool provides the associated results automatically when searching either Pinyin or Wade-Giles. It is open to public on our East Asian collection webpage and being helpful for both researchers and technical librarians (http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/eac/pinyin-vs-wade-giles/). The other job is about Chinese rare books digitization. There are over 200 titles of Chinese books published before 1912 in our library. We started to digitize the inner cover, printer’s colophon, caption, center column and stamps from these books in April 2018 following the latest Cataloging guidelines for Chinese rare book records. The project has almost completed the project at the end of this year. We also dig out some special stamps from these rare books and explore some possible sources of our Chinese rare books. We are looking forward to share them with the public.
Cooperative Collecting Quantified: Subject Analysis of the Chinese-Language Collections at Duke University and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Katie Odhner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Luo Zhou, Duke University
The poster would present the results of a collection analysis of Chinese-language materials at Duke and UNC. The goal of this analysis is to better understand how the two collections complement one another using quantitative data, in order to inform future collecting practices. In the 1960s, the two universities agreed to share responsibility for collecting East Asian research materials, with Duke focusing on the Japanese collection and UNC focusing on Chinese Studies materials. Starting in the 1990s this agreement was altered and Duke began developing their Chinese collection as well. We started with the hypothesis that UNC, as the more historic collection, would focus more in traditionally important areas of research for Sinology; namely, history, literature and philosophy. We hypothesized that Duke, as a younger collection trying to diversify and build on the shared resources, would focus more in the social sciences, modern history, modern literature and popular culture. In analyzing the print holdings we found that these hypotheses were largely confirmed. The poster will also include an analysis of circulation data compared against subject area to see which subjects generate the most usage. The results may be interesting to anyone who wishes to learn more about Duke and UNC’s collections, their cooperation, and the methodologies used for studying subject area and usage.
NCC’s New Comprehensive Digitization and Discoverability Projects
Regan Murphy Kao, Stanford University; Toshie Marra, University of California, Berkeley
Since 1992, the North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources (NCC) helped to build a national collection of Japanese research materials in the United States through its Multi-Volume Sets Grants Project (MVS). Funding for MVS was suspended in 2018 so that NCC could update and align its mission to fit the evolving technologies and 21st century needs of the field. We are now transitioning toward a comprehensive digitization and discovery grants program to replace the collection building activities of MVS. NCC has formed a taskforce to develop this initiative. In the poster session, the leaders of this taskforce will give an overview of the new program’s goals and requirements. We hope that the new program will bring to light hidden collections, enable more robust use of special collections, foster training in digitization projects, and help build an international infrastructure for digitized Japanese materials. Ideal applications will plan for the entire digitization process – selection, metadata creation, digitization, long-term storage of the digital surrogates, and discovery. Priority will be given to institutions that can demonstrate how resources will be curated, used in Japan-related courses, and promote collaboration across complementary collections at institutions in the US and Japan. NCC will also seek to engage a new generation of scholars and information specialists by funding the kinds of internships and professional-development training required for such comprehensive projects. During the poster session, we will introduce the new program, solicit valuable feedback from the East Asian library community, as well as answer any questions.
CrossAsia Full-text Search and N-gram service, based on Integrated Text Repository
Hou Ieong (Brent) Ho and Miriam Seeger, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
CrossAsia Full-text Search and N-gram service is a project at Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, or SBB) that utilizes subscribed databases with the CrossAsia Integrated Text Repository to provide a more transparent way to crossly search all licensed electronic texts and generating non-consumptive dataset for DH activities. Up to Nov. 2018, it has indexed 13.5 million pages from 123,112 titles which come from 15 different data sources (ebooks, newspapers, journals, primary source databases, and more), mainly written in Chinese (both traditional and simplified) and English and Japanese. With the established regular importing routine of CrossAsia ITR, CrossAsia Full-Text Search will cover more and more Asian resources written in Chinese, English, and other languages in the near future. This project also examine the flexibility and capability of the CrossAsia Integrated Text Repository (CrossAsia ITR) in support of German researchers’ digital humanities activities via APIs. SBB strongly believes that libraries should take an active role in digital humanities activities. It should focus on not only activities that have been heavily discussed, such as digitizing materials, providing consultations and engaging researchers across disciplines and more, but also the activities that enable our users conducting their digital humanities activities with the electronic databases and books which are already in digital form and are materials heavily used by users daily.
Linkable Controlled Vocabularies Strengthen the Discovery of Digital Scholarship
Charlene Chou, University of Washington
This poster will examine certain issues concerning digital scholarship. When keywords fail to provide consistent and precise search results, shall we pursue a better option to optimize discovery through providing quality metadata such as linkable controlled vocabularies? How do we make each digital scholarship project sustainable and globally sharable? Collaboration, interoperability and sustainability are key to digital scholarship’s ability to communicate and connect. Successful collaboration heavily relies on interoperability, which requires metadata to be compliant with international standards for international data sharing such as ISO (International Organization for Standardization), RDA (Resource Description & Access) and so on. VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) presents a global model, in which each country is responsible for the authority files of its national language(s). Because each authority record goes through a review process for approval and has ongoing maintenance such as LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings), the authority file plays a pivotal role not only for the authentication of semantic relationships but also for establishing and applying ethical forms of terms and names. For the global use of RDA, RDA Registry includes RDA terms in multiple languages. Each language has URIs for mapping and linking in the linked open data environment. National libraries, consortia and language groups have contributed to building up multilingual terminologies in the RDA Registry. This poster will explore how cataloging and metadata librarians can contribute to increase the accessibility of CJK resources, and explain why CEAL (Council on East Asian Libraries) can play a leadership role for creating CJK controlled vocabularies and support enriching multilingual terms in the RDA Registry.
Water Water Everywhere: What To Do (and not do) When Disaster Strikes
Ria Koopmans-de Bruijn, Columbia University
The purpose of this poster is to inform our colleagues about a disaster that occurred in our library, and to discuss how we dealt with the fall-out and the many practical issues resulting from it. While it may fall a bit outside this year’s conference theme, we feel it is important to share this experience with our colleagues, so they may profit from what we learned along the way. In brief, last September our library suffered a major water disaster, affecting all levels of the stacks, which had to be closed to the public indefinitely. The impact on our daily operations is tremendous. Like every responsible institution, Columbia University Libraries (CUL) of course has a disaster response program and disaster prevention protocol in place, but we learned the hard way that it is virtually impossible to be adequately prepared for, or be able to actively prevent, a disaster of this magnitude. The aftermath of this disaster concerned all aspects of the library, as well as many other departments of the university and more, including administration, technical services, facilities, systems, outside contractors and, of course, our patrons. The poster will illustrate both how we dealt with the immediate impact and practicalities, as well as how we work to accommodate our patrons’ day-to-day needs while getting our stacks and collections back in order.
National Assembly Library’s international cooperation program and access to public policy information resources
Mihyang Park and Eunsol Shim, National Assembly Library of Korea
The National Assembly Library of the Republic of Korea conducts foreign exchange program with 47 countries, 187 institutions and promotes scholarly information agreement with 1800 domestic institutions and 55 foreign institutions especially to support research institutes for Korean studies in other countries and major libraries. We are now working on a 2-year project for expanding global boundary of library cooperation reaching toward major libraries in Middle East, Europe, Asia-Pacific region in order to support diplomatic activities of Assembly Members and collect regional information comprehensively.
Challenges were a steady decrease of resource exchange caused by digitization in global trend and reexamination of Members on the project of supporting research institutions for Korean studies in North America which is exception to the rule of same quantity of exchange. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss methods of cooperation between related institutions in long term perspective.
Assembly e-library, which is accessible through scholarly information agreement, has expanded its scope from scholarly information to public policy information. Among born-digital materials on the internet, we collect various policy information which is critical for legislative activities and provide about 3,310,000 resources through e-library. Through scholarly information agreement, national assembly library and peer organizations can share their electronic resources. The name has been changed from internet resources to public policy information, which settled down as a specialized service of National Assembly Library. We are developing additional services and looking forward to many interests from member institutions and increased resource use.
Committee on Chinese Materials (CCM) Special Session
7:30 – 9:30 PM, Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Part I (7:30 pm – 8:30 pm)
Presentations on Visions and Expectations: Librarian’s Role in Digital Scholarship for Chinese Studies
Lan Wang (Chief Librarian, China Academy of Social Science Library)
Digital Archive of #MeToo and Women’s Rights Movement in China
Chengzhi Wang (Chinese Studies Librarian, Columbia University)
Xiaohe Ma (Chinese Collection Librarian, Harvard University)
Tao Jiang (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Report of the CCM Shanghai Workshop on Republic Film Studies
Shuyong Jiang (Chinese Studies Librarian, UIUC)
Part II (8:30 pm – 9:30 pm)
Panel discussion on copyright protection and use right of our local resources
Digital Preservation and Copyright: The Case of Sidney Gamble Photographs
Luo Zhou (Chinese Studies Librarian, Duke University)
Copyright Issues in Publishing and Digitizing Our Rare Materials at Columbia University Libraries
Jim Cheng (Director of the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University)
Copyright Issues Related to Chinese Collections
Yuan Zhou (Curator of the East Asian Collection, Univ. of Chicago)
Committee on Chinese Materials (CCM) General Meeting
2:00 – 3:30 PM, Thursday, March 21, 2019
Theme: Visions and Expectations: Librarian’s Role in Digital Scholarship for Chinese Studies
Program description: As digital humanities and other forms of digital scholarship gain attention in our institutions in the study of Chinese history, literature, art, anthropology and other areas. The following topics will be discussed in this meeting: 1) librarian’s engagement, collaboration, and contributions in DH projects; 2) Faculty and student’s expectation for the library and librarians from digital resource collector and provider to resource producer and publisher: 3) Librarians’ vision of digital scholarship as partners of users and current status of the library resources.
Jidong Yang (Head of East Asian Library, Stanford University)
Digital Resources and Understanding US-China Relations
Clayton Dube (Director of the US-China Institute, USC)
Library and Digital Humanities: New Services, New Role and New Value
Hua Nie (Deputy University Librarian, Peking University)
East Asian Digital Scholarship Programs at the Harvard-Yenching Library
Sharon Yang (Public Services and E-Resources Librarian, Harvard University)
Feng-en Tu (Ph.D. student, History and East Asian Languages program, Harvard University)
Committee on Japanese Materials (CJM) General Meeting
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Thursday, March 21, 2019
Theme: web archiving of Japanese studies resources
The Committee on Japanese Materials will have a panel of three librarians to discuss web archiving of Japanese studies resources – a narrower topic of digital scholarship. While presenting case studies of web archive initiatives in their institutions, the speakers will be focusing on issues of content selection criteria, user feedback, sustainability, among other relevant issues. Please see below the details of the session.
- Welcome Remarks by Fabiano Rocha (University of Toronto Libraries, CJM Chair)
- Ivy-Plus Japanese LGBTQ Web Archiving Program by Haruko Nakamura, Librarian for Japanese Studies, Yale University
- Snapshot of Japan, 2016-2018 web archive: a curated collection on contemporary concerns by Regan Murphy Kao, Head of Special Collections/Curator for Japanese Collections, Stanford University
- Web Archiving: Change and Challenge, by Katherine Matsuura, Japan Digital Scholarship Librarian, Harvard University Japan Digital Scholarship Librarian, Harvard University
- Q & A and Concluding Remarks
Committee on Korean Materials (CKM) Meeting
9:00 - 10:00, Thursday, March 21, 2019.
Presentation I - Text Processing of Korean Using Online Tools
by Hyoungbae Lee, Korean Studies Librarian, Princeton University
Presentation II - Visualization Process of Prototypes for Overseas Digital Exhibition and VR Heritage Museum
by Yunsung Kim, Professor, Korea National University of Arts
Presentation III - Semantic Interoperability and Transculturality
by Ghichul Jung, Chair of Sustainable Korean Culture Institute
Committee on Public Services (CPS)
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Theme: Public Services in the Digital Age: New Ideas and Traditional Roles
Announcer: Jade Atwill (Asian Studies Librarian, Penn State)
Part I: Presentation
Mapping Rivers in Modern Chinese History - A Curriculum-Integrated Collaboration between GIS Librarian and Subject Librarian
Xi Chen (Chinese Studies Librarian, UCSD)
Amy Work (GIS Librarian, UCSD)
This proposal shares an innovative approach between a GIS librarian and subject librarian to incorporate GIS and Chinese statistical resources into a new course, “Mapping Rivers in Modern Chinese History”.
A Chinese history instructor designed a new course in the spring quarter of 2018. It aimed to train a class of 50 undergraduate students in the standard disciplinary skills of primary source analysis and analytical writing, while also showing them how to use GIS mapping software to ask and analyze historical questions. The instructor had taken a previous GIS course and saw the value in applying it to History and Chinese studies. He also understood finding credible data was a critical part of the students’ research process. After meeting with the instructor, Amy Work, GIS Librarian, and Xi Chen, Chinese Studies Librarian determined it was essential to work together to help achieve the course objectives.
They recognized that individually they would not be able to achieve success alone. In preparation, Amy taught Xi the fundamentals of GIS and Xi shared with Amy various statistical resources on China. They co-taught three sessions and offered group consultations which allowed students to meet with Xi to find credible data and Amy to process the data in GIS.
This is a great example of one instructor’s innovative approach to teaching a traditional humanities class that called for embedded assistance from the librarians. Each librarian needed to attain a certain level of understanding of the other’s domain in order to best help the students with their research questions.
Part II: Panel
Integrated Information and Outreach Services in the Digital Age: Reshaping Traditional Roles of Public Service Librarians in East Asian Studies
Julia Chun (Korean Studies Librarian, Univ. of Toronto)
Helen Tang (Public Service Librarian, Univ. of Toronto)
Situ Ping (Liaison Librarian to College of Humanities, Univ. of Arizona)
Qian Liu (East Asian Studies Librarian, Arizona State)
Liangyu Fu (Chinese Studies Librarian, Univ. of Michigan)
Jade Atwill (Asian Studies Librarian, Penn State)
This panel features two groups of colleagues sharing their experiences with challenges and opportunities that public service librarianship in general has faced. The first group discusses issues related to consolidated service desk model and its impact on library reference service, staffing, and training, in the context of the uniqueness of East Asian collection and user community. The second group focuses on new and expanded roles of East Asian studies librarians in light of the rapid advancement of digital technologies and interdisciplinary nature of East Asian studies programs, while performing their traditional, everyday duties. Discussion and Q&A to follow.
Expanding Our Roles in the Digital Age (Helen Tang, Julia Chun)
Engagement & Outreach: Changing Roles of EAS Librarians (Ping Situ, Qian Liu)
Theme: Emerging Technical Services: Enhancing the Discovery of Unique and Digital Collections
Committee on Technical Processing (CTP)
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM, March 21, 2019
Program description:
In addition to providing quality metadata for e-resources, unique objects and digitized collections, there are enormously increasing demands for DH/DS (Digital humanities/digital scholarship) projects. The Technical Services Librarians are committed to provide quality metadata and to ensure these resources findable, shareable and sustainable in the networked environment worldwide. This CTP meeting will explore and examine how to provide and maintain library metadata for better discovery of these resources such as using controlled vocabularies in the context of linked data environment. Most importantly, we need to know how to communicate and collaborate with diverse stakeholders to fulfill the goals and implement projects in terms of user-centered services.
Part I: Presentations
Runxiao Zhu (East Asian Studies Librarian, Oberlin College)
Providing Access to Rare and Unique Resources: A Collaborative Approach
Naomi Shiraishi (Japanese Cataloging Librarian, UC Berkeley)
A Story of a Korean Vade-mecum at Princeton: From Acquisition to Digitization
Hyoungbae Lee (Korean Studies Librarian, Princeton University)
Part II: Lightning Talk and Discussion
Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures
Wrap-up Discussion: What Roles Will the Cataloging/Metadata Librarians Play for DH/DS Projects
Charlene Chou (Coordinator, Distinctive Collections Technical Services, Univ. of Washington)
Theme: Practicing Digital Scholarship with Emerging Technologies
Program organized by the Library Technology Committee
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm, March 21, 2019
Development of digital scholarship is inseparable from the rapid growth of emerging technologies. This panel will showcase tools and applications relevant to immersive learning, digital humanities, and artificial intelligence, and discuss their impacts on East Asian librarianship.
Tang Li (Chinese Studies Librarian, USC)
- Towards Supporting Digital Humanities Research and Teaching: A Primer for the DH Curious
Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara (Digital Scholarship Librarian, CU Boulder) - Realities, Plural: Immersive Technology and East Asian Studies
Katie Rawson (Director of Learning Innovation, UPenn) - A Brief Discussion on How the Statistical Learning Supports the Technical Service
Anlin Yang (East Asian Cataloging Librarian, Univ. of Iowa)