2021 | Online Program
Presidential Plenary
Theme: Responding to Crisis: Perspectives and Strategies
Program description:
The study of how academic libraries have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic opens up avenues of inquiry for perspectives and strategies to be shared across disciplines. Building bridges between East Asian libraries will be a key feature of how knowledge can be disseminated in the future. This session allows the CEAL community the opportunity to discuss solutions on how to overcome crises and what can be done to minimize their effects.
Keynotes (Bios and Abstracts):
Greg Eow (President, Center for Research Libraries)
Radical Collaboration: Advancing Scholarship in the Age of Perpetual Crisis
Damon E. Jaggars (Vice Provost & Dean of University Libraries, The Ohio State University)
Peter Bae (Assistant University Librarian for Scholarly Collections Services, Princeton University & Member, IFLA Document Delivery & Resource Sharing Standing Committee)
Resource Sharing in the Times of COVID-19 and after
Hana Kim (CEAL President/Director of the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library, University of Toronto)
Theme: How Can We Sustain Digital Scholarship? A Tripartite Dialogue
Library Technology Committee
1:30 pm-2:30 pm, March 18, 2021
Program description:
The COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing have revealed the absolute importance of curating and maintaining digital research resources for academic libraries, and it makes us think critically about how these digital scholarship projects can be sustained into the future. This panel invites three speakers representing key stakeholders in digital scholarship, namely scholars, librarians, and vendors to address current practices, technical issues, and future plans for digital preservation and sustainability, and to reflect the impact of COVID-19 on digital scholarship. It intends to promote a tripartite dialogue and collaboration towards a sustainable future of digital scholarship.
Tang Li (Chinese Studies Librarian, Univ. of Southern California)
A Teacher-Scholar’s View
Ruth Mostern (Associate Professor, Department of History and World History Center, Univ. of Pittsburgh)
Durable Digital Resources
Bill Comstock (Head of Imaging Services, Digital Strategies and Innovation, Harvard Univ.)
2021: Holy Cow!
Robert Lee (Director of Strategic Partnerships, East View Information Services)
Tripartite Dialogue
Anlin Yang (East Asian Studies Librarian, Univ. of Wisconsin)
Theme: Beyond Traditional and Responding to Crisis: Perspectives and Strategies
Committee on Public Services (CPS) on behalf of the CEAL Executive Board
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM, March 18, 2021
East Asian Language Print and Electronic Monographs: Challenges and Opportunities [video]
Yao Chen (East Asian Studies Librarian, UC Santa Barbara)
Tomoko Bialock (Japanese Studies Librarian, UC Los Angeles)
Jude Yang (Librarian for Korean Studies and East Asia Public Services, Yale University)
Gaihozu Collection at University of Washington Tateuchi East Asia Library
Keiko Hill (Japanese cataloger/TEAL Serials/E-Resources Librarian, University of Washington)
Committee on Chinese Materials (CCM) 2021
Pre-Conference: Chinese Collection Development in the Global Pandemic: Innovation and Insights
5:00-7:00pm PDT, March 16, 2021
Description: Faced with the pandemic, librarians have undertaken innovative approaches and made enormous efforts in collection development and supporting learning, teaching and research. This pre- conference workshop features challenges, successful experiences, and insights of four librarians from China, Taiwan, Macau, and the U.S. who collect print, digital, multimedia and archival materials and deliver innovative services.
Prof. Long Xiao, Director, Shanxi University Library: Promoting the Transformation of Collection Development and Services in the Epidemic’s Prevention and Control: A Case Study of Academic Libraries in Mainland China
Prof. Kuang-hua Chen, Director, National Taiwan University Library: NTU Library Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Thinking in Different Ways
Dr. Jianzhong Wu, University Librarian & Ms. Priscilla Pun, Functional Head of Technical Process Unit, University of Macau Library: Experience of University of Macau
Dr. Martin Heijdra, Director, East Asian Library and the Gest Collection, Princeton University: The East Asian Library at Princeton During The Covid-19 Pandemic (to be continued…)
Committee on Chinese Materials (CCM) Annual Program
9:00-10:00am PTD March 19, 2021
Description: CEAL colleagues will share their emergency response, creative approaches and non-traditional solutions in expanding collections and serving users, temporarily in the crisis and for a long-term future. Three speakers reported on their initiatives in expanding collections and access service, offering insights into international collaboration, the cultivation of donor relations, and the rediscovery of fragmented archival documents.
Tang Li, Chinese Studies Librarian, Univ. of Southern California: Expanding Remote Collection Access through Experimental International Cooperation
Xi Chen, Chinese Studies Librarian, UC San Diego: At Home in the World - Three Major Acquisitions at UCSD Prior to and Throughout the Pandemic
Zhaohui Xue, Chinese Studies Librarian, East Asia Library, Stanford University: From Private Dossiers to Fragmented Archival Documents: Collecting for Grassroots Society and Ordinary Life in Modern China.
Theme: Exploring Ways to Network Through Common Interests
Committee on Japanese Materials (CJM) 2021
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM PDT March 19, 2021
CJM Interview with the National Diet Library: Updates on the NDL Services under the COVID-19
Mariyo Igarashi (Service Planning Division, Reader Services and Collections Department, National Diet Library)
<Recorded Presentation with English Subtitles (Available Until 9/18/2021)>, <Recorded Presentation with English Dubbing (Available Until 9/18/2021)>, Information Sheet for NDL Interview, Questions from pre-interview survey
The Japanese Historical Council Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Shinji Asada (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Komazawa University/Vice Chairman of the Japanese Historical Council)
<Recorded Presentation>, Presentation Script
LibrarianMap and Professional Networking among Japanese Librarians
Riko Modeki (Library Division Head, Research Promotion Department, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
<Recorded Presentation>
Committee on Technical Processing (CTP) Annual Program
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (PT), March 19, 2021
Program description:
Creative cataloging/metadata/digital humanities projects or technical services workflow involving Chinese, Japanese or Korean resources during these times of remote work under the COVID pandemic restrictions.
Implementing Batch Copy Cataloging Practices in light of COVID-19
Yunah Sung (Korean Studies Librarian/Head of Technical Services at the Asia Library, Univ. of Michigan)
Collaborations of Subject Librarians in Digital Humanities Initiatives on Campus: A Case of Visualization of Social Connections and Geographic Movement of Xie Lansheng
Joan Wang (East Asian/Chinese Studies Librarian, Washington University)
Chang Xu (Ph.D. student, History Department, Washington University)
Mapping Library Digital Collections for Chinese Studies
Yan He (China Documentation Center Librarian, George Washington University)
Ann James (Data Science Librarian, George Washington University)
Ka Hang Ngau (MS student in Data Analytics, George Washington University)
Sophie Muro (MA student in Museum Studies, George Washington University)
Theme: Creativity and Adaptability: Public Services of East Asian Libraries/Collections in the Face of the Pandemic
Committee on Public Services (CPS)
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, March 19, 2021
Collaboration, Connection, and Communication: Launch of Japanese Book Club as Virtual Public Services in Pandemic [video]
Mitsutaka Nakamura (Japanese and Korean Studies Librarian, Washington University in Saint Louis)
Physical to Virtual: the Transformation of UCI Library Exhibit on EAC30
Ying Zhang (Research Librarian for Asian Studies, UC Irvine)
East Asian Gateway Service under COVID-19: History, Transition, and Future [video]
Yuanziyi Zhang (East Asian Library Assistant, University of Pittsburgh)
Joshua Capitanio (Public Services Librarian, Stanford University)
Committee on Korean Materials (CKM) Annual Program
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM (PDT), March 19 (Fri) 2021
Theme: Global Pandemic Responses of Korean Studies Librarians and Collections
The program will present the Pandemic-driven strategies and services of Korean Collections in libraries by exchanging and learning from each other’s experiences of responding to new challenges and opportunities in North America and overseas.
- Presentation 1: COVID-19 Survey Result: Korean Collections and Libraries in North America during the Pandemic
Presenter: Audrey Chun, Electronic Resources Librarian, Fuller Theological Seminary
- Presentation 2: Improvements in European Libraries with Korean Collections in Response to Covid-19
Presenter: Youn-hi Hughes, East Asian Studies Librarian, The University of Sheffield (UK)
- Presentation 3: The Changes and Challenges to Academic Library Services during the Pandemic in Korea
Presenter: Younghee Lim, Head of Digital Library Services, Seoul National Library (South Korea)